Not all businesses require an audit, those below the current thresholds (turnover less than £10.2M, total assets less than £5.1M and less than 50 employees) are exempt. However for those that either choose to voluntarily be audited, or breach the limits, the value to the organisation cannot be underestimated
- Banks and third parties are given assurance that the accounts are accurate and consistent
- Owner managers can be reassured that the risk of fraud is reduced
- Systems can be developed that ensure the efficient running of the organisation.
As auditors registered and authorised by the ICAEW, Harris Bassett provide audit services to a wide range of organisations including charities, distribution companies, manufacturing companies, solicitors, care homes and a variety of other business operations.
The audit should not be seen as merely a compliance process but instead an investment in the future success of the business.
For more details on how we can provide an efficient and cost effective service to your organisation contact Nick Bassett.
If you would like to discuss or know more about Audit then please get in touch with us using the following options: